Sunday 27 March 2011

The beginning

So, I wanted to call this blog "Gems of Human Stupidity and other things that amuse me," but apparently that was too long for WordPress, but I hope it conveys the feel of this page.
The inspiration came from my new job. In this job I have to talk to every section of society possible, and even though I've only been there a few weeks, I've heard some real crackers from people. Here are my 2 absolute favourites so far:
A university student: "What does 'intellectually stimulating' mean?"
Another uni student: "What's the difference between "definitely agree" and "mostly agree" ?"

I'm sure there will be many more like these to come, so I will post any quotes which I find particularly representative of the standard of stupidity that I wish to feature in this blog. There will also be general funnies from around the Internet and life in general. I hope you find it as amusing as I do.